Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

An Act of Parliament created the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) in 1988 as a non-governmental organization to provide national leadership on substance use and to advance solutions to address alcohol- and other drug-related harms. We provide guidance to decision makers through harnessing the power of research, collecting and organizing knowledge, and bringing together diverse perspectives. The organization holds a unique position through developing different partnerships with not-for-profit associations, government agencies — especially public health and law enforcement — and industry. A volunteer board of directors governs the Centre. CCSA reports to Parliament through the Minister of Health. Four strategic directions guide the Centre’s activities: - Creating and sustaining partnerships to mobilize individual and collective efforts; - Fostering a knowledge exchange environment where evidence and research guide policy and practice; - Developing evidence-informed actions to enhance effectiveness in the field; and - Fostering organizational excellence and innovation.